Shropshire Hospital clothing scheme gets patients moving

Shropshire Hospital clothing scheme gets patients moving

A hospital clothing scheme that motivates patients to get up, get dressed and moving is appealing for donations from the public.

The Donate2Motivate project from Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) sees clothing donated to its two main hospitals for people who may not otherwise have access to garments while on the wards.

The Trust said stocks were running low, and appealed for loose fitting and comfortable clothes that could be worn during the day.

“With patients being able to get dressed and moving, it can help with their recovery,” said Paula Gardner, interim chief nursing officer.

“It is known that if patients are inactive and stay in bed all day this can lead to a decline in mobility and muscle strength.

“If you are popping to hospital for an appointment and can make a donation, please do – it will be greatly appreciated and will make such a difference for our patients.

The trust said: “The majority of patients who do not have access to day clothes are often over the age of 60, may come from a nursing home, have been admitted unexpectedly, have no family or friends close by or no family or friends at all.”

Lynette Williams from the trust said that thanks to the service, if properly stocked, patients could select outfits just like at home.

“One patient who was living with dementia really enjoyed using the wardrobe on wheels and when they selected a sparkly jumper and leggings commented ‘I haven’t felt like a princess for years’ and was line-dancing with staff down the ward,” she said.

Donations of all sizes are welcome, but particularly clothes in sizes small to medium.

Jumpers, t-shirts, trousers, jogging bottoms, long shorts, comfortable day time dresses, skirts and tops are accepted, while items like jeans, dressing gowns and underwear are not.


Chloe Hughes
BBC News, West Midlands

BBC Shropshire


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