US approves 20 billion dollars in weapons sales to Israel

President Joe Biden

The US has approved 20 billion dollars in arms sales to Israel, including scores of fighter jets and advanced air-to-air missiles, the State Department has announced.

Congress was notified of the impending sale, which includes more than 50 F-15 fighter jets, Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles or AMRAAMs, 120mm tank ammunition and high explosive mortars and tactical vehicles.

It comes at a time of intense concern that Israel may become involved in a wider Middle East war.

However, the weapons are not expected to get to Israel any time soon as they are contracts that will take years to fulfil.

Much of what is being sold is to help Israel increase its military capability in the long term.

The State Department said in a release on the sale: “The US is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to US national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defence capability.

“This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives.”

The Biden administration has had to balance its continued support for Israel with a growing number of calls from legislators and the US public to curb military support there due to the high number of civilian deaths in Gaza.


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